This archive hopes to expand to incorporate a multitude of Tradition Bearers as collected by you. If you are collecting and want to house your material here, please let us know.

The SCC does not just focus its work on collecting material only recently recorded; we are also a forum where initially collected material that has not been made publicly available can be housed.

The SCC has already made available home-made recordings from singers who have ‘collected themselves’.

There is a wealth of material acquired by professional as well as amateur collectors that has not been heard beyond the circles of those who have made the recordings. If you are in possession of such tapes in whatever format and are concerned about their security, safety and stability, then please do get in touch and the SCC can advise on preservation and digitisation of such material and suitable institutions to help this work.

Our hopes are that as this archive develops, it will be able to take receipt of such material and allow for this website to be a portal through which these recordings can gain a greater public appreciation and wider awareness.

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